WTMG’s Leo Faria: “As good as this NES game is, there’s the issue with how little content this collection has to offer. No extras included: you have access to three games, with save states, filters, that’s basically it. They are more fun than the sheer amount of crap featured in Limited Run’s previous Jurassic Park collection, but it’s still not a lot for the pricetag. This is what makes this a tough recommendation. I was really impressed with how good Felix the Cat on NES is, and it’s now one of my favorite hidden gems on that system. It’s still a lot of money being asked for one excellent ROM, its Japanese counterpart, and a Game Boy port that’s basically a novelty item. I’d say that, if you have some cashback credits in your eShop account, Felix the Cat is really fun and worth your time. If not, maybe wait for a discount.”