Duped how exactly? Sony made an accessory, told its fanbase exactly who would benefit from it and then, surprise, the target audience is happy.
What is complicated for you? What makes the Portal a bad product? Before the Portal I used to remote play on my phone with a BackBone One PS Edition, and while it was a cool gadget and great controller I cannot go back to that after the Portal. It’s far superior in every single category and it’s worth the extra investment.
Ergo, there’s nothing wrong with a product that offers a better way to experience something that already exists.
Again, where is the fanbase being misled or “duped”? We no longer exist in a world where people want dedicated handheld games. The Switch changed that landscape, Gamers want to play the same games on their TVs that they play on the go, they just want portable convenience. The Steamdeck and Asus Rog fulfil that want and are incredible devices, but they come at a high cost and with diminished graphics and performance and battery life. Yet the trade off is worth it as they’re robust and far cheaper than full on gaming PCs. The Portal is a simplistic offering that does what its dedicated audience wants it to, is far cheaper and requires no tinkering or technical know-how to operate.