
AI Startup Ideas: Top 30 AI Business Options for 2023

AI Startup Ideas: Top 30 AI Business Options for 2023

Artificial intelligence has been one of the most widely discussed topics in the world over the past several decades. Things have taken a dramatic turn with the invention of the new artificial intelligence tools that were introduced to the public a few short years ago.

Suddenly, AI has found its use in all aspects of life; various tools are being developed, and people have started fearing for their jobs and the possibility of them being replaced with an AI tool soon.

While AI poses significant risks to people’s jobs, it is also an excellent means to create a business from the ground up and have it running in no time.

It’s more convenient than spending decades developing the business, developing its marketing strategy, and constantly creating new updates to be in touch with new developments in the world. AI can do all this in minutes, but only if you know how to use it right.

In today’s article, we have decided to focus on 30 great AI startup ideas that showcase just how helpful AI can be. This article is an excellent guideline for people looking to start a business or those wanting to explore AI’s abilities further. If you’re interested in learning more about the topic, stick around until the end of the guide!

Is It a Good Time for an AI Startup?

artificial intelligence concept communication network

Now is a good time to invest in an AI startup, whether your own or someone else’s. Starting an AI business is the best option, as the possibilities are practically endless, but the business will allow you to do what you love and gain more freedom in your day-to-day life.

Think about it—all AI tools work so quickly and efficiently that they allow you to finish your needed tasks in minutes when it would otherwise take hours. This is one of the reasons why we want to stress the importance of using AI for your startup—it will allow you to automate as much of the process as you want or need to.

Another thing to stress about AI startups is that you have endless possibilities. Want to create an AI-powered chatbot for companies needing customer support help? You can do that. Want to build virtual assistants for nursing homes, retail stores, and other businesses? That is totally doable. You can make your startup based on what you love to do, giving you tremendous satisfaction.

Last but not least, investing in an AI startup idea means an opportunity to reap the benefits later. You can build your AI business or an AI model to sell to other businesses.

It will be a wise investment, allowing you to work more quickly, efficiently, and error-free without needing the workforce or the hundreds of hours spent at a physical location. You can finish even the most complex tasks within minutes and from the comfort of your home.

These are only some reasons why starting an AI business is recommended and why now is the time to do it. Competition will be fiercer in the future, so grab the opportunity while you still can!

Top 30 AI Startup Ideas

Thinking casual woman startup idea

Do you want to start your own business using AI-based solutions but have a problem developing something that looks like an excellent artificial intelligence business idea? We’ve got you covered!

After thorough research and testing of various AI-powered platforms to see which work well and which do not, we have finally decided on 30 different business ideas that would make great AI startups. If you want to learn more about them, make sure to go over the following list:

Content Creation Service

Content creators know that creating content isn’t always easy, especially when you need to do it daily. It’s sometimes a challenge to come up with creative content over and over. What’s more, there are a ton of creators out there, so competition is tough.

You have to stay up to date with trends, various platforms, and other users to know what your followers would want to see and what would keep them engaged for longer.

This is where AI comes in. You can easily create AI-generated content that you post on social media. It could be articles, videos, presentations, webinars, or other creative content. Furthermore, you can use your AI tool to develop ideas you put to work later.

If you were to develop an AI content creation service, you could incorporate various photo or video editing features, idea builders, content analyzers, market analyzers, etc. This would make it effortless for you or other users to create creative content daily.

Writing Services

Another fascinating business idea you can look into is an AI-powered writing service. Until recently, content writing and copywriting were done solely by human writers. But we are all well aware that not every writer knows every topic you throw at them. You know who does? AI!

With the development of AI writing tools, content writers’ and copywriters’ work has been made easier than ever imaginable. You get a ready-made article within a few minutes, which you can edit, fact-check, and tweak to improve the content if needed.

Wondering how to build a writing service based on AI? It’s easy; you only need to develop a tool incorporating machine learning and natural language processing while also giving it tons of language models to work with. If you have that, you will be able to use the tool to write content. You can make it unique to your business or sell the tool to others, making money both ways.

Translation Service

Developing a translation service is similar to the writing service mentioned above, as you will probably need to invest in a new translation tool you can use to create the translation. To develop this tool, you need to hire professionals or use your coding knowledge. The tool would need a neural translation model that breaks down the text into parts and translates one after the other.

This would be demanding, but you can use the model you develop once for each pair of languages you want to translate. Then, there would be no need for human translators for every language. You can rely on your tools to create the translations for you.

Art Generator

One of the things that AI has been used for is art. There are already a ton of platforms where you can write down a kind of painting and get something as close to your idea as possible in a matter of seconds. If you’re also interested in building platforms, you can always use that knowledge and interest to build your own art generator.

Once you launch the platform, you can either sell it or make users pay a monthly or yearly subscription to get the artwork. However, ensure you make the platform reliable and make it follow instructions closely. The artwork should always have the best quality possible, separating you from low-quality generators on the market.

Graphic Design Generator

Like the art generator explained above, you can also develop a generator for logos or similar graphic designs that people could use in their businesses.

Graphic design is widely used nowadays, and there are many great designers you can employ to help you out, but the fact is that not every business owner has the money to employ a designer. This is where the graphic design generator would come into the conversation.

Wix has a great logo generator, where you only need to write down the name and branch of your business to get an AI-generated logo in mere seconds. You can follow or expand on that model when creating your generator. You can even set it to make social media posts, videos, or other designs.

Architectural Design Generator

Imagine wanting to build a house but not even knowing where to start. You can always hire an architect from the beginning, but if you’re unsure what you want from them, finding common ground could be challenging. Using an architectural design generator to create sketches and see what fits your needs would be much more convenient.

This is why we believe creating an architectural design generator and making a business out of it is splendid. It would cost people much less but be a hundred times quicker and more efficient for them to see their actual ideas on paper… or rather, on screen.

Interior Design Generator

You can also make a generator that not only creates architectural designs but also gives people interior design ideas and tips. Think about it—you can make a generator based on various interior design styles, including classical, Scandinavian, Japanese, boho chic, etc.

By simply writing down the room size or adding a photo of the empty room, you would immediately get some interior design ideas and a rough look at what the room could look like.

Similarly, you can allow the generator to give furniture recommendations or ideas to people using it. People will surely rely on it when just looking for ideas since paying an interior designer and waiting for them to make the sketches could be too expensive and time-consuming.

Recruitment Help

You can also build a so-called Human Resources business to help your business. If you make it in the form of an AI tool that could be integrated into a business, you can also sell it to other businesses that need it.

One crucial aspect to focus on is the recruitment aspect. It’s easy to develop a tool to screen resumes and select the best candidates based on your criteria. That way, whenever you need to hire new employees, you won’t have to spend countless hours seeing if anyone is qualified for the position you’re offering.

Workflow Automation

Workflow tools are extremely popular nowadays, especially after many businesses decided to take their work online after the pandemic.

It’s excellent not to have to worry about paying rent or bills for a workspace while still being able to manage your business and have your workers do their tasks as usual. But if you need help managing the workload or delegating responsibilities, you can rely on workflow automation tools.

If you’re looking to develop a workflow automatic AI tool, you should focus on the option to delegate responsibilities and assign tasks to various users. The tool should allow you to see what everyone is working on, while also allowing workers to check what everyone else is doing so that there are no mix-ups with the obligations.

Customer Support Assistance

To improve customer experiences, many companies rely on automated customer support services with chatbots, emails, contact forms, etc. You can also build your own company based on AI tools for customer support. Allowing the tools to be integrated into any platform would be wise and allow others to use them.

The most important part of your customer support platform would be to give users the best answer to their questions so they can solve their inquiries quickly.

So, you need to allow the tools access to all available information featured on the website or the internet. If the chatbot cannot solve the issue, there should be the option to connect the user with a live representative or take them to a contact form.

Content Monitoring

If you decide to have any AI startup connected to content creation, consider adding a content monitoring feature to the platform. This means a tool will monitor how your content performs after creating and posting it online.

In the best-case scenario, the tool will only have good reports and reviews to share with you. However, should it come across anything that seems problematic with the content, it can alert you, so you can decide whether you want to take down the post or further explain it to avoid controversy.

Fitness Coach

You can also use AI-powered systems to build a fitness platform that is tailor-made to the user’s needs. When building the system, you would include various exercises while adding some meal recommendations. Don’t forget to explain how to do each exercise, as new users should know how to prevent injuries.

After you do that and categorize everything correctly, launch the platform and allow users to start registering. Even during the registration form, just by them filling in their needs and preferences, personalized recommendations for exercises and meals would come up. How cool is that?

Personalized Entertainment Service

Suppose you’re interested in entertainment and know many movies, TV series, or musicians you could recommend to people. In that case, you can also build a startup entertainment service that would be personalized for each user.

Think about Netflix—it selects movies and series based on your interests and what you’ve watched. It’s seen success worldwide, so it’s wise to follow in its footsteps.

However, consider a new angle to make your platform stand out. Add some genres that aren’t available on other platforms, or create a more affordable subscription plan. Potential customers will surely be drawn to your platform if you offer a great price and many options for them to explore.

eLearning Platform

Learning online is now more popular than ever. Especially after the pandemic, some of the most notable schools worldwide have started offering online courses students can purchase and study from. They would get the knowledge they need, and usually a certificate, from the comfort of their home.

If you’re an expert in a field and consider yourself a good teacher, you can always build AI-based applications or websites where you can offer various courses. Start with something you’re positive you know of, and then you can expand into other fields as well. If your courses offer any value to users, they’ll surely promote you to other potential users.

Personal Shopper

If you have physical or online clothing, jewelry, makeup, or any other store, you can always add value to your brand by creating a personal shopper option. The same goes for those yet to start their business—personal shoppers are so trendy right now and can help your customers tremendously.

In the app, you would add all the items you currently offer with prices and size guides. This will allow users to browse through everything and make combinations that would look stylish. You can also add an option for the platform itself to pair clothes and make fancy outfits so that customers can get some great ideas and recommendations.

Retail Inventory Management

Similarly to what we mentioned above, with the personal shopper business, you can also use a similar AI platform to deal with inventory in a store. Once something is sold, the platform would mark one item less in the stock, allowing you to constantly keep up to date with what you need to restock and what isn’t selling well. Furthermore, this type of AI platform would eliminate the need for workers in an actual warehouse—you would only need someone who deals with orders and restocking.

Supply Chain Management

Each business can use a retail inventory management platform, but it could also benefit from a platform that deals with supply chain operations. If you decide to create your own supply chain management startup, you’ll help companies deal with their products so that you can constantly keep everything stocked and contact the suppliers whenever you see something running out. It would be the AI platform planning and contacting, but you will still be behind the operation.

Mental Health Assistance

Maintaining good mental health is extremely important, so apps and websites offering mental health assistance are very popular nowadays. If you’re interested in raising mental health awareness and want to help people diagnose a mental health disorder timely, you can always make a startup focusing on mental health.

The platform could include information on common mental health disorders and allow people to diagnose themselves. Furthermore, you can assist all those in need with easy access to phone lines and organizations that could help them.

It would be amazing to add a chat buddy for those who are depressed and need someone to talk to. Even if it’s only a chatbot, it could make them feel better, and knowing you have helped will make you feel tremendous gratitude.

Health Assistance

Mental health is not the only aspect of your health you should focus on—you can also focus on your general health and develop a platform to help you maintain it. Turning this idea into a startup is easy, but it can help millions of people who decide to use the services.

For example, you can set reminders for people to take their medication or inform them of their regular checkups. Furthermore, you can add information on nutrition and exercises that could help people better their overall health. We don’t doubt that the interest in such an AI platform would be huge.

Data Entry Tool

After it launches, every business must deal with vast amounts of data they need to store or work through. It could be challenging to keep up to date with all the data you need for a business, especially after it functions for a while. This is where data entry tools come into the conversation.

A great startup idea is to create an AI-based data entry tool that would allow people to store all the needed information, divide it, and label it accordingly. If you ever consider making such an AI tool and offering it to other businesses, ensure you add various filter options to make it easier for everyone to go through the data.

Financial Advice

Before investing your money into anything valuable, it’s essential to consider the market trends and see what’s the best investment opportunity for you. Doing your market research or hiring someone to do it for you would be expensive and time-consuming. So, it’s best to use an AI-powered tool to gather all the needed information in seconds.

You can also consider developing your own AI startup for financial advice. It could take some time for the software development part to be finished, but once it is, your platform could research and analyze all future trends and allow users to make wise investments.

Financial Planning

While on the topic of finances, it’s also wise to start a business that does financial planning for people. For example, you would let the financial advisor know how much savings you have and what you’re interested in doing with them, and they can let you know how to use those savings best. They could also give you a strategy to divide your earnings so that you can cover all your expenses and still have enough money to set aside for rainy days.

For this type of business, you need to develop an AI platform that can make calculations and divide funds based on a strategy. It would be more challenging to make such a platform and still have it be accurate all the time, but it’s an excellent project nevertheless.

Virtual Home Assistance

A virtual home assistance platform is something that every homeowner would want. Imagine operating all the devices in your home using a simple platform—doesn’t that sound great? Since it’s so great, why not consider turning it into a business?

You can develop a platform that allows easy access to most appliances. You can turn on the heater or air conditioning using your phone, set a timer for the washing machine to start at a given time, or run your dishwasher when you’re not even home. Convenience at its finest!

AI-Based Chatbot Service

There are various online sites and apps that use the services of chatbots to create answers based on AI research. If you have a digital platform, consider integrating such a chatbot. If you have coding knowledge, you could also create and offer such a chatbot to other businesses. You only need to allow the bot access to an AI browser and the internet, from where it would get information on how to answer.

Marketing Strategy Tools

Marketing is essential in today’s world, as the key to successfully promoting just about anything is to have a good marketing strategy. Usually, it would take a team of experts to create a good marketing strategy for someone’s business or products. But AI allows you to make that strategy in seconds and still get great results.

This is why many people decide to create an AI marketing startup, and you can do that, too! All you need is a platform that allows AI to use target market research and current trends to develop a good strategy.

A person would only need to tell your platform what they’re looking for and get the results instantly. Such a convenient business will surely get you many users in no time!

Cyber Security

With many businesses taking their work online, there’s a greater need than ever for cyber security companies to protect the business and the information of the users who register and use the business’s services. So, opening a cyber security startup is wise. You can make an AI-based platform that detects anomalies and regularly observes user patterns to determine if anything is wrong.

Agriculture Optimization

AI has also found its use in agriculture. Considering that most machines used in agriculture have received notable updates and are now fully capable of remote work, you can create a startup with a platform that allows you to efficiently operate your machines remotely from your phone or desktop.

With the help of AI, the platform would also be able to stop machines when they need refilling or when they’re done with the work for the day, turning them back on at a scheduled point in the future. It could also keep track of your stock and tell you more about how to make the most of the crops you’re growing.

Traffic Management

Similarly to what online maps do, you can start an AI-powered business to help people avoid getting stuck in traffic jams. The platform would use satellite images and public cameras to determine the best routes and help drivers easily get around town. If there were such a platform, we’re confident many people would rely on it whenever they needed to go out!

Road Assistance

In case of an accident or if your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, you’d need someone to rely on for road assistance. Instead of waiting for someone to pass by and help you, you could always use an AI platform that contacts the nearest road assistance company and gets them to your location. This would be a fantastic AI startup idea, even for those with self-driving cars, as it would give them instant access to the services they need in an emergency.

Wildlife Monitoring

Finally, if you’re interested in wildlife conservation, you can always talk to local national parks and help set up cameras and trackers on endangered animals to monitor them easily.

Such a startup would be ideal for those working in wildlife preservation centers and national parks, allowing them to easily track the movement of the animals and get them the needed help in an emergency.

Ready to Start Your AI Startup?

software engineers working together on project at tech startup

Thank you for reading this detailed guide on some of the most exciting business ideas regarding AI startups. Remember that you can never go wrong with any AI startup ideas; you just need to think through your business plan to get the most out of the idea. Whether a whole business or just an AI tool you can use in your business, all opportunities are worth exploring.

That said, we still have much to learn about artificial intelligence. We have valuable insight into the topic, but have yet to explore its full potential. So, there’s no better time than the present to get into AI and start making money with it.

Whether through an AI-powered writing business or an eLearning platform explicitly tailored to the users’ needs, you’ll surely have fun creating your business and seeing it grow over time.

If you have any other AI-based business ideas, please share them with us in the comments below. We appreciate your input and always take your recommendations seriously. Who knows, maybe your idea will make it to our next list!

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